Harvest Field is a Missions minded church. The congregation stands beside many missionaries in numerous countries.
List of some of the ministries we support:
Patrick Mpante
Voices of Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide.
Hope Light House
Provides help and hope for the people of Muskegon, Michigan. They have a good pantry and provide residential discipleship for men just out of prison or off the streets to give them a fresh start and introduce them to Jesus.
Tikkun International
The Tikkun International mission is to effectively fulfill Yeshua's (Jesus') Great Commission through an apostolic network that restores the synergy of five-fold leadership to provide effective accountability and oversight to leaders, ministries and congregations through covenant relationships and mutual support.
Tikkun International fulfills its mission by:
- Equipping, educating and sending forth those called to Messianic Jewish ministry from the Diaspora.
- Fundraising, charitable aide and support for aliyah to Israel and for indigenous international ministries.
- Empowering a network of Messianic Jewish Congregations (Tikkun America) through biblical governance and partnerships in education, training, national conferences, and leadership development.
- Exhorting and educating the Church regarding her Jewish roots and responsibilities to the Jewish people.
- Partnering with Church leaders for the full restoration of Israel and the Church.
P.C.G. Indian Missions
"Our Mission: To 4.1 million American Indians the Holy Spirit has commissioned us to take the Name of Jesus and make it great. We will evangelize First Americans, the hidden natives of the USA, training and sending them to win others to the Lord Jesus Christ."
P.C.G. National Missions
The vision of the National Missions department of the Pentecostal Church of God is clear. WE WILL make a difference in the lives of hurting people and WE WILL give them Jesus Christ by the touch of our hands and through the generosity of our hearts. By partnering with this ministry, together, we can make a difference!
P.C.G. World Missions
"Jesus shed his blood on the cross for all humankind, every ethnos or people group, and He told us to take this message to the ends of the earth. As the church in Jerusalem spread to Judea, Samaria and beyond, the primary vision of the Church has always been to take the living Gospel to dying people - the Good News of hope and salvation to the “uttermost parts of the earth.”"